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New Role For Jen At Adina

Jen Apps has been at Adina Care for 5 weeks. Her background is in health as a registered nurse and midwife, with years of experience in the acute care area as Manager at Cootamundra Hospital for 14 years. She has been on the Board of Directors at Adina Care since 2018, overseeing the running of the organisation alongside her fellow board members who provide governance to the community owned facility.

In March Jen resigned from the board and stepped into the CEO role in an Acting capacity to assist the organisation. Adina Care is a 61 bed facility which on April 30 received another bed from the Federal Government. Of those 62 beds there is a supportive care room which gives families another option for their loved ones during their final days. Jen said, “There is a lot of carer’s stress out there in the community. I hear it through the carers and the support workers who go in to homes.”

Jen said that in her earlier years she was focussed on acute care and midwifery. As she has gotten older and her parents have aged her focus has shifted to the needs of the aged. She said, “I have come the full spectrum I just love the aged care sector and seeing the smiles on their faces. I am passionate and I expect the best care. I have my mother in here and I had my father in here. I have high expectations of the staff and they provide it, they do. We have really good staff.”

The supportive care room has not had an offical opening due to Covid-19 but that will come later. Patients can use the room and they don’t have to be over 65. They only have to be over 21. Adina has 25 units and the funding provided from the units helps to fund the nursing home. When those in the units want to transition to the home they are given priority. The nursing home will have a new call bell system later this year which will allow a link from the nurses straight to the patients. It will also alert staff as to exactly where a resident may be if they ring their bell instead of first going to their room. CCTV will also be added which will provide more safety and security.

There are currently 3 units available at Adina Court for purchase. Adina Court is very vital in providing the aged care needs to the Cootamundra community. If you are thinking of retirement living, please contact Tony at Adina Care, not only is Adina Care providing a safe option for your retirement it also strongly assists in Adina Cares financing.

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