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Yass Sheep SELX

Lamb numbers eased and the quality was a little more mixed. There was a reasonable supply of light lambs suitable to restockers and plenty of trade weights but the heavy lambs were limited in supply. Merino lambs were very limited and there was a good run of hoggets. All the usual buyers attended. The market trend was cheaper.

Store lambs sold from $125 to $173/head. Trade lambs to 22kg cwt were $5 to $15 cheaper with the lighter end falling in quality and sold from $148 to $163/head. Feeders paid to $173 for the same weight. Carcases prices averaged 760c to 780c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs 22to 24kg held firm $171 to $191/head or 780c/kg on average. Lambs 24 to 26kg were $9 cheaper $184 to $200/head or 745c/kg on average. Extra heavy weights 26 to 30kg slipped $3 to $5 and ranged from $186 to $221/head and over 30kg cwt dropped $7 selling from $212 to $244/head. Hoggets fell $14 and ranged from $166 to $220/head. Dorper ewe lambs sold to $315/head to a restocking order.

Mutton numbers increased slightly and all weights were represented. Prices were $3 to $7 dearer on the better covered lines. Medium weight ewes $126 to $183/head. Heavy crossbred ewes $190 to $250/head and Merinos reached $215/head. Crossbred wethers made $250 and Merino wethers $234/head.


Lamb numbers eased and the quality was good with the majority of lambs estimated to dress out between 22kg and 25kg. The were a few extra heavy lambs and a limited supply of light weights. Trade lambs were firm and heavy weights cheaper with little competition.

Light Merino lambs reached $136/head. Trade lambs 22to 24kg cwt sold from $178 to $190/head or 775c/kg on average. The 24 to 26kg lambs  were back $7 and sold from $176 to $196/head and extra heavy Dorpers reached $195/head. Hoggets topped $200/head.

Mutton numbers were low and quality very mixed. Prices eased with Merinos selling between $136 and $181/head. Crossbred ewes $155 to $210/head.

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