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Times Special Production – Maher Cup – Gundagai v Tumut

The 1971 triumphant Tumut side: Tumut won the last Maher Cup match 5 June 1971. From back left: Herb Gaul (president), Neil Bulger, Mick Cullen, Dick Smith, Robert Giddings, Bert Scott, John Hobby (captain-coach), Geoff McIntyre, Ron Prendergast. Front row: Ron Sutton, Warren Elliott, Keiran Butler, Neil Richards, Gary Jeffery, Ray Beavan, Terry Sturt. Ballboy: David Hobby.

The staff at the Times will be finalising a special production regarding this Saturday’s match between Gundagai and Tumut.

Keep and eye out for our video package which will be uploaded to our pages on Friday night.

We will be catching up with those who played and witnessed the Maher Cup and who will be out in force supporting their town on Saturday at Twickenham Oval.

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