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Covid case at Goulburn

A new case of Covid-19 has been confirmed in Goulburn, as the recent Sydney outbreak edges closer to the regions.

The infected individual had travelled from Sydney’s south to Goulburn, to work on a construction site neighbouring the Goulburn Base Hospital.

They were not disobeying the current Covid restrictions on Greater Sydney, as they were considered an essential worker. The construction site is believed to have had hundreds of workers and has been shut down so that all workers can be tested. Mayor of Goulburn Mulwaree Council Bob Kirk told Newscorp that regional communities remain at risk under the current “loopholes” in the Greater Sydney restrictions.

“Here we are in our regional areas, hoping to remain distant from any outbreaks but it’s brought into our community from a worker from a metropolitan area,” he said.

The mayor said the extent of the possible infection in Goulburn was still unknown, with hundreds of possible contacts. As always, NSW Health is encouraging anyone with symptoms to get tested.

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