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Hilltops LGA reports no new cases overnight. The total case numbers for MLHD is 16 (77 since the beginning of the pandemic). The new cases will be formally reported by NSW Health tomorrow, Thursday 23 September. The most recent sample taken for sewerage surveillance in Griffith (sample taken on 18 September) has returned a negative result. The NSW Health sewage surveillance program detects fragments of the virus that causes COVID-19.

There has been one new confirmed case of COVID-19 identified in the Albury Local Government Area today, Wednesday 22 September. A woman in her 20s has tested positive after returning from Sydney and is currently in home isolation. Investigations and contact tracing are underway to identify all close and casual contacts, and any venues of concern. A second case, a man in his 50s who was travelling through the region has been confirmed positive, and is currently isolating and being cared for in Special Health Accommodation. This brings the total number of cases in Albury LGA to four.

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