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Temporary Wallendbeen Bridge Finally Opened For Use, 20Km/h Speed Limit

The temporary bridge at Wallendbeen which connects Burley Griffin Way over the railway tracks was finally opened last Friday after seven excruciating months of detours and delays caused by planning, construction and wet weather hold-ups.

According to Transport for NSW the bridge collapsed in March due to heavy rains, however, its age must have also been a contributing factor as it was built during the middle of the First World War in 1916.

The band-aid fix solution will only be in place until a permanent-fixed bridge is designed and installed, however, while the temporary bridge provides relief for now, it won’t be forever.

The relatively narrow bridge will allow some heavy vehicle movements throughout the area, with the road and bridge reopened to the public on Friday afternoon, once the lines were marked and the first cars were able to cross it.

However, the temporary bridge will only have a 20km/h speed limit and is a one-way road, meaning heavier and wider vehicles will still have to use the detour until the permanent bridge is installed.

To read the full story, buy this week’s edition of the Cootamundra Times. Out now.

Tim Warren

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