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Doggy Doo and Don’ts

Beautiful Nicholson Park in Cootamundra is a popular space for pet owners to walk, however dog droppings are proving a hazard for sporting bodies using the facility.

Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC), Regulatory Officers, and Parks and Gardens team are dismayed at the amount of dog faeces being left behind in the region’s parks, and on public footpaths CGRC Acting Manager of Regulatory Services, Ms Janelle Chapman said the reports of animal faeces being left, particularly in parks and on sporting fields is disturbing.

“It’s great that people are exercising themselves and their pets, and our parks and sporting fields are a popular spaces for this exercise, however we have been seeing and hearing about dog faeces littering these spaces. This is disturbing considering our children are playing sport and enjoying our parks and gardens,” Ms Chapman said.

Council reminds pet owners to keep their dogs on a leash whilst out walking and pick up droppings. Some dog droppings contain harmful bacteria and nutrients.

When dog droppings are left outdoors and it rains, harmful bacteria from the droppings can be washed down the drains and end up in local creeks.

“No one likes stepping in dog poo, whether it’s on a sports field or footpath,” Ms Chapman said. Most parks in the CGRC LGA have Dog Waste Stations, with poo bag dispensers and waste bins provided to dispose of their dog waste.

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