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The Country Med Group in Cooper Street will be offering Group Medical Appointments as an additional service to their patients commencing 16 October.

Group Medical Appointments are individual GP consultations held in a group setting of about 10 people with the same chronic illness or condition, for example, respiratory disease or Type 2 Diabetes.

The benefits of Group Medical Appointments are that patients have more time with their GP, they get the support of the other patients, they often get answers to their questions as the GP works their way around the group and there is a more relaxed atmosphere.

The main advantage for the GP is everyone in the group hears the information and the answer to the questions.  They also can relate to their patients in a more informal group setting.

Practice Manager of the Country Med Group, Danyal Syed said, “we are interested in implementing this new model of providing consultations to our patients as we believe it will work well for many of them”.

Danyal also expressed appreciation for the support for this initiative by the Murrumbidgee Local Health District, Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network and the NSW Rural Doctors Network.

People can contact the surgery if they are interested in participating in this trial.  The surgery will also be contacting some of their patients over the next few weeks.

For further information contact Danyal Syed, 69421011

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