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Cootamundra Magpie Testing Completed

NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA)

Analysis of samples collected from nine deceased magpies in Cootamundra
has returned inconclusive results.

NSW EPA Director Operations, Scott Kidd said while sample analysis
collected from several deceased birds did detect two banned pesticides,
they weren’t at concentrations that would typically cause illness or

“Around 30 magpies were found across two residential streets in
mid-September and taken to the local Cootamundra veterinary hospital
displaying signs of weakness and paralysis. At least nine died at the
time, and more than twenty others were taken in by local rescue groups
to recover,” Mr Kidd said.

“Test results are inconclusive, and we cannot confirm whether the birds
died from a poisoning incident or from naturally occurring diseases such
as ‘black and white bird syndrome’, of which paralysis and weakness are
primary symptoms.

“What the testing does show, however, is that chemicals found in the
samples have historically been used in two banned pesticides – DDE and
Dieldrin. This discovery is a serious concern, as the Australian
Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority deregistered these two
pesticides many years ago.

“We want to remind the community that using deregistered pesticides is
an offence, and heavy penalties apply. Understandably, this incident has
been distressing for the community and wildlife carers who responded to
and cared for the sick magpies.”

Any resident who suspects they may have one or both pesticides in
storage should immediately contact ChemClear for safe disposal. We
encourage the community to report deliberate or reckless use of
pesticides to our 24/7 Environment Line on 131 555 or emailing

Avian influenza (HPAI) was ruled out as a possible cause of death. In
this instance, the EPA welcomes any further information relating to the
potential cause of illness in the birds.

The use of unregistered pesticides – or the use of any pesticide in a
manner that harms non-target animals or plants – can attract penalties
of up to $500,000 for an individual and $2,000,000 for a corporation.
There are no fines for safe disposal of deregistered pesticides through

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