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Gone Fishing, back soon!

Your favourite newspaper will be back at the end of the month with the first edition out on Thursday January 30. The staff at the Times and the Independent are looking forward to jumping back in the saddle for 2025 and continuing to provide the region up-to-date news from across their communities.

     As stated in the last edition of 2024, Matt Stadtmiller will no longer be editing a number of the mastheads after more than a decade at the helm (on and off) and will be passing the baton to others in the team. He will still be assisting in various aspects, but will be less hands on.

     The South West Slopes Times (SWST)will be covering news from the ACT border to the Wagga border and beyond. Under our mastheads we will continue to bring you news from home and next door, from Boorowa and Young in the north, Harden and Coota in the centre, Junee to the west, Yass to the east and Gundagai in the south, on to Tumut.

   The South West Slopes Times will cover an enormous region with a population of more than 50,000 people and a geographic area of more than 17,000 square kilometres across four local government areas.

   It’s a huge job for our team of casuals, permanent part timers, full-timers and a large group of much-loved contributors, who the SWST greatly appreciates. 

    It’s an area larger than Vanuatu, Jamaica, East Timor and Lebanon and about the same size as Kuwait and Fiji.

With our main office located in Harden, we are no more than about an hour from all of the major townships we cover.

     You can check out our new mother website which has links to each of our seven major websites which cover the towns and their associated villages. 

    If you have a news lead, tip or scoop, contact the South West Slopes Times via the contact form on the website or by calling 0413 763 216 commencing January 20. We look forward to seeing you soon.

P.S We went fishing and caught a few Yellowtail King Fish, had a great time, but it’s back to the grind. We will have all of your Australia Day Wrap-up in our first edition back!

Get behind your local newspaper run by locals for locals, supporting a local family. With your help, both as advertisers and readers, we can continue to provide a newspaper for you and as we have for more than 10 years, a web presence which will continue to expand and grow.


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