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Breaking Ground In Sustainability

The much-anticipated development at Cootamundra’s Albert Park, is nearing completion. Over the next few weeks Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) will issue press releases about the concept, development and aspects that have come together to create Livvi’s Place Albert Park.

Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) has formed a partnership with the Touched by Olivia Foundation and Variety  the Children’s Charity to deliver this amazing playspace that will offer a unique andinclusive play experience, promoting play for everyone.

It’s been almost three years in the making, starting with the concept, engagement, community consultation

sessions, funding applications, designs, tendering process and finally construction starting. As the project nears completion there are many elements within the playspace that are unique and exclusive to this inclusive playspace.

Much of the uniqueness contained in the play elements have been created by re- purposing and recycling of
materials and equipment available locally. Locals will be surprised to see that the old, outdated play equipment has been re-used

and salvaged. The equipment has been powder coated, cut down to suit the area and new inclusive apparatus installed. CGRC Interim General Manager, Mr Les McMahon said it was important to reuse, recycle and repurpose materials where it was possible.

“The quality of the steel in the old gear is far more superior and with some repairs and restoration it’s sometimes better than new,” Mr McMahon said.

A walk around the space, reveals sur- prises at every turn, plants, sandbags, concrete tunnels, logs, and other compo- nents have been reclaimed from the local waste facility to make up areas where chil- dren can climb, crawl and be challenged. Discarded legs from an ironing board and large poly pipe make up a caterpillar swing.

Redundant seats from other parks have been utilised to complement the design.

Barbeque facilities and undercover seating has been relocated, to create a space that encourages being

involved and coming together for family and friends inside the playspace.

“We have had to be innovative; we have had to use our initiative to create this space and be environmentally responsible, we wanted to keep and re- process as much as we could, keeping it away from landfill, and respecting the past,” Mr McMahon said.

CGRC mayor Cr Charlie Sheahan said there are so many elements within the space that have been rescued from landfill. “This is a prime example of thinking out- side the box, seeing what’s available and making use of it within the design. Many who use the park will appreciate the efforts made to be environmentally responsible,” Cr Sheahan said.

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