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CGRC Endorses Fatality Free Friday

CGRC Councillor Charlie Sheahan is encouraging members of the community to take the Pledge for Fatality Free Friday.

Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC), has endorsed The Australian Road Safety Foundation (ARSF) Fatality Free Friday campaign. May 29 is the date marked for the Fatality Free Friday campaign and is designed to foster community ownership, complex road safety issues and encourage those who can make a significant difference in reducing road trauma. The ARSF is a not for profit organisation dedicated to promoting the prevention of both physical and mental illness and disability through the reduction of road fatalities and injuries.

It achieves this through innovative road safety awareness programs, driver education, and advocacy, research and community engagement. Driving the safety of every road user, every day, to achieve a significant year-on-year reduction in road deaths and injuries nationally.

(CGRC) Councillor and Road Safety Committee representative Charlie Sheahan is inviting members of the community to be part of the 2020 Fatality Free Friday initiative. “Every 6 seconds someone is killed or seriously injured on the world’s roads. Every year, around 1200 people are killed on Australian roads. This campaign is more than just a single day it’s about how we can all make a difference to these alarming figures.

Since its inception in 2007 the Fatality Free Friday campaign has continued to expand its operation and is now recognised as Australia’s only national community based road safety program,” Cr Sheahan said. Members of the community are encouraged to visit The Australian Road Safety Foundation website and take the pledge to Choose Road Safety by promising to: Always be fit to drive, Stay focused on the road, Scan the road ahead, Keep a safe distance, Drive to suit the conditions. To date over 482,000 road safety pledges have been signed. For further information about Fatality Free Friday, please contact

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