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Christmas is Back in Coota

Coota Scouts helping out with the Christmas in Coota 

“Christmas in Coota”, Cootamundra’s annual Christmas celebration, will be held on the evening of Thursday, 14 December on Parker Street. 

This year the party is being organised by the The Coota District Co-op Ltd. “The Co-op taking on the organisation of a community event fits in with the Co-operative Principle, ‘Concern for the community.’ Our members are part of the local community, and work to support the community and to provide social and economic benefits”. explains Leigh Bowden, The Coota District Co-op Chair. 

The organisation of Christmas in Coota has been undertaken by a sub-committee of the Co-op Board. The committee consists of three Co-op Directors, Leah Sutherland, Marjory Taprell and Leigh Bowden and five ordinary Co-op Members, Chris Williams and Cathy Manwaring from CW Jewellers; Julianne Collingridge from Garden Paws; Megan Sawyer, CEO of the Coota Club, and Alice Mote, from Black Cat Patisserie. 

“It’s a big job to organise,” says Marjory Taprell, “but the committee team are doing a great job!”  

Cathy Manwaring adds, “The Christmas in Coota late night shopping event is going to be fantastic this year. There really is something for everyone to enjoy.”  

The program consists of 10 local talented entertainers, over 25 market and information stalls, numerous activities for children and Coota’s local shops will be open to help people with their Christmas shopping. And, of course, there will be Santa. 

Julianne Collingridge has been impressed by the co-operation shown between the Council, local emergency services, businesses, community groups and the local community. 

Marjory is looking forward to seeing who wins Council’s Coota in Lights competition and Cathy is excited to learn who the three lucky winners of the Coota Christmas Shop Giveaway will be. The winners will be drawn on the night, “So I hope everyone has an entry in the draw,” she says. 

There is still some space in the street for some last-minute street stalls. Late applications will be accepted up to 11 December. 

Members of the Co-op have also volunteered to be stewards on the night, answering questions and ensuring that things run smoothly. They will be identifiable by the yellow hi-vis vests. 

Julianne has the last word, “Bring it on!” she says. 

It takes a lot of people and a lot of hands to put something like this together that even the Coota Scouts have given their time to help out. Marjory Taprell of the Coota Scouts said the Scouts decided to make a bit of a day of it.  

“It was part of our community service that we do as Scouts. We were asked by the Coota Co-Op board and organisers to spread out the sand up there so we decided go there one Wednesday night when we had Scouts and do it,” she said. “A very nice lady saw us working there because it’s a bigger job than you think and she bought us all an ice cream and a drink from IGA. We really appreciate it. Coota Christmas is always a hit with the town, coming through every year to set Parker Street up with attractions, market stalls and late-night shopping that has ingrained itself within the Coota township. 

“It’s coming along quite nicely; we have three local dance groups and there’s a choir. The Samoans who are new in town are going to do some traditional song and dance. There will be stalls up and down the street, we’d be happy with more stallholders if they’d like to put their name forward if they’d like to get a form off us. 

“Hopefully the weather stays good for the night. Santa is all organised too with his lollies, he will be there about 6:30 pm for photographs.” 

Marjory said the Coota Scouts are going well but they could use a few more hands on deck themselves. 

“We could always use more adult helpers; you don’t have to have a child in Scouts to come along and be a helper. You don’t have to do it every week, you can pick and choose what times. Scouts is not just boys anymore, it’s girls as well. It’s going quite well. So is our Cubs.” 


Richard White, Jack Murray 

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