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Cootamundra and District Machinery Restoration Society

Cootamundra and District Machinery Restoration Society held their Engine Rally and Tractor Pull event at the start of last month in what was an extremely successful outing.


The Engine Rally and Tractor Pull event at the Cootamundra Showgrounds had vintage machinery, motorbikes and cars on display, as well as a show and shine, camping for attendees, and of course vintage tractor pull.

Ross Minehan, Cootamundra and District Machinery Restoration Society President said the event went down exceptionally well.

“It was a very successful day. By the gate takings, about 400-500 people came through the event on the day,” Minehan said.

“There were over 50 engines in total, however, the tractor pull was down a bit, but the ones that were there still enjoyed it.

“We had a big roll up of stalls which really made the day. We made a profit on the day. When we decided to have this rally, things were up in the air a bit with COVID and the rest of it, and we thought we don’t care if we make money, as long as we have a fun day.

“That’s exactly what happened but we still made a profit. The funds will be donated to a local charity.”

The Cootamundra and District Machinery Restoration Society held a meeting last week regarding what charity the funds should go to, with most members having an alternative idea.

“My wife and I, sort of sided with Can Assist, mainly because of the good help they give people getting to Wagga and Canberra. It hasn’t been fully decided yet.

“The other exciting thing that happened during the event was the NHMA (National Heritage Machinery Association) supported our Club by having their AGM in the auditorium at the Cootamundra Ex-Services Club.

“They booked about 10-12 motel rooms which was a bit of a bonus for us and Cootamundra.

Tim Warren

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