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Free Computer Training In Shire Villages

In these days of fast-moving technological change, it is easy to feel like you’re being left behind. This sense of digital isolation often increases in outer regional areas, where service can be patchy and tuition hard to come by. Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council are proud to present a series of free courses in local villages for those would like to become more confident using laptop computers and the internet. Courses will be presented by council library staff and cover topics including how to operate a laptop, using email and social media, internet safety, and entertainment and communication online. Each course includes four two-hour sessions.

No prior experience is required, and all equipment is supplied. The first course commences in Adjungbilly at the community hall on Tuesday November 10 at 10am. Workshops will be held in Coolac and Stockinbingal in early 2021. The program is funded by Be Connected, an Australian government initiative committed to increasing the confidence, skills and online safety of Australians. To register or enquire, phone the Cootamundra Library on 1300 459 689.

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