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Huge Support Grows For Baldock’s ‘Chop the Mop’

Jason with the team at Cooper’s Couriers. Jason Baldock’s quest to raise money for Can Assist by chopping off his long hair continues to swell with funding rapidly on the rise.

‘Chop the Mop’ has attracted attention with Cootamundra businesses, quick to provide Jason with large donations of money for his cause alongside a silly photo you can see on his Instagram account.

He will be getting his hair cut at the Party on Parker on December 15. Jason himself says he wanted to have a bit of fun while raising money for a charity he respects.

“It was time to get a hair cut and Can Assist are probably the best charity that I know of,” he said.

“They’re just a good charity that look after all the people with cancer.

“The charity stays in town and they work hard to help a lot of people. “I said I would raise money if I ever got my hair cut.”

At the time of writing, Jason has raised $35,609 dollars for Coota Can Assist which will directly help those suffering from cancer.

Major sponsors for the ‘Chop the Mop’ include: Palmer Ford, Chambers Garage, Cootamundra Medical Centre, JMA Legal, Todd Basham Electrical, Cootamundra Rugby League Club and Old Boys and Sacred Heart School.

“It’s crazy, they’re all jumping onboard and having a bit of fun.

“We are so thankful to all the people who have given money to this. The community is so fantastic and so supportive of a good cause.

“If you want to do the same, go for it. Make it a bit of fun for a good cause.

“The community is so supportive and generous. All these people want to give money to watch a clown like me get his hair cut off.

“They want to see money go to Can Assist, but they also want to clean me up a bit and make me look respectable.”

Jason’s infectious sense of humour has helped the community get behind his cause but what means more than a laugh is money to a charity that will change the lives of many cancer patients.

If you want to donate you can visit or do so by transferring money to:

South West Slopes Credit Union Acc Name:Jason Baldock Chop the Mop BSB:802 367 Acc No:100019792

Jack Murray

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