Little Wings Puppet show “A Little Bit of Blue” will be performed at The Arts Centre Cootamundra on Wednesday 6th of December at 10:30am including a Q and A session.
The show is recommended for preschool to Year 6 and will be $10 per person. It promotes itself as an interactive detective story, told with puppetry, where the kids help solve the case.
The TACC are happy to welcome puppeteer Jenny Ellis to the facility, saying, “the audience will unravel a mystery, and learn about the unique habits of an extraordinary Australian creature, the bowerbird, and their fascination with the colour blue.
“The story begins with strange disappearances from Mrs Mavis Hooley’s home. Something has just gone missing and it is nowhere to be found. Mrs Hooley has been looking everywhere but it’s not just today. Every day a new thing seems to disappear. Little things: clothes pegs, a ball of wool. It’s troubling at first, but then the thief takes it one step too far.
“Mavis calls in a Detective to investigate. A stake out is required. In the dead of night, the Detective indeed finds something peculiar…. The children’s role is to help him solve the mystery.
“The performance also has education resources and extension activities available for preschool and primary school students.”
The show has received a lot of rave reviews with one Melbourne Museums Senior Programs Officer, David Perkins saying, “A great puppet show and a fantastic mix of entertainment and education.”
Little Wings Puppets said, “we are an Australian Puppetry Company specialising in Children’s Theatre since 2006. We have presented over one thousand shows and hundreds of workshops in every state and territory of Australia, as well as overseas.
“Artistic Director Jenny Ellis has been a puppeteer for over 25 years, and has a vibrant team of independent artists that work collaboratively to create the shows. Jenny has a Post-Graduate Diploma in Puppetry from the Victorian College of the Arts and was mentored by master shadow puppeteer Richard Bradshaw, as part of the national Jump Mentoring program.
“She was also awarded a major fellowship by the Mike Walsh Foundation to research contemporary puppetry in Europe in 2012. Jenny completed the one-year program at the Helikos School for International Theatre Creation in Italy in 2014. The Mermaid’s Daughter, her show with Company Gongoma, won the Melbourne Fringe Festival Award for The Best School Holiday Program 2008.”
“We believe that young people deserve equal access to the arts, wherever they live, and so we have taken our work to some of Australia’s most remote communities. We have an extensive teaching program, and have co-created work with thousands of young people in regional areas. We know that we can help shape young people’s lives by igniting their imaginations. This is a great joy and responsibility. It drives us to continue to make exceptional theatre that speaks to young people, makes them laugh, and tells important stories.
Cootamundra welcome the renowned puppet production company to town.
Jack Murray