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Wattle Time Fair Cancelled

The Wattle Time Fair run by the Cootamundra Development Corporation have had to cancel the event for a second consecutive year following the ever-evolving New South Wales statewide lockdown.

The COVID-19 restrictions and Public Health Orders have forced organisers into no other option but rescheduling the event to next year.

Scheduled for Saturday, September 11th, the Fair set to be held in Albert Park is no longer seen as a feasible option.

Lead organiser of Wattle Time Fair, Leah Sutherland, said although the cancellation is very disappointing, the Cootamundra Development Corporation have already been working on alternative events.

“It’s a bit hard because we don’t know when this lockdown is going to end. Things change so quickly,” Leah said.

“Time is a big factor now. We’re nearly in September and if we tried to organise it again it would be rushed.”

Although, the Cootamundra Development Corporation have already been designing and preparing other upcoming events.

“Our next big event will be the ‘Celebrate Coota Community Christmas Party on Thursday December 16th,” Leah continued.

“We block off the main street between each roundabout, so the kids can roam freely.”

Leah assured that the work and preparation for the Wattle Time Fair wouldn’t all go to waste, with certain aspects of the event being transferred to the Christmas party.

“Some of the things that we had planned for the Wattle Time Fair, such as picture boards – which Coota high school were working on, will be adapted to Christmas theme.

“Some of the market stalls that were going to be there have been booked in for Christmas.”

While the CDC will use as much of the planning of this year’s event for next year, Leah admitted that the certain aspects of the Fair can change each year.

“A lot of the planning from this year can be transferred over to next year, but every year is different, so we have to take that into consideration.

“We have to sit back and look at every year, where we are going to have it and what we are going to do.”

In the meantime, Leah and the team at Cootamundra Development Corporation will be providing online competitions and events that the community can participate in, while in lockdown.

“We’ve got a few competitions that we are going to push online, such as treasure hunts, a colouring competition and a guessing competition,” Leah said.

“We’re working on designing a walk which will show up places in Coota that have wattle, so we’re making a map that we can get online and in the paper.

“Another competition is where we will take an obscure photo at a point of interest in town and people have to guess where it is.”

Keep an eye out on the Cootamundra Development Corporation page on Facebook for all upcoming events and promotions as well as the Coota Times.

Tim Warren

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